The PutzCast Podcast 1
The start of The PutzCast podcast. It's really just Zombi bitching to a couple of people. But it was the first step toward what would become The PutzCast podcast.
The PutzCast Podcast 2
Introducing my co-host Nappa! Zombi goes to a dark place. But also talk about some good stuff like Topanga!
The PutzCast Podcast 3
After a long break between episodes Zombi and Nappa are back and they haven’t missed a beat. They talk about South Park’s ripping off College Humor, the CDC announcing Zombies and of course the Hitler Sitcom!
The PutzCast Podcast 4
We talk about a few good old games a few new hopefully good games and of course Bronies.
The PutzCast Podcast 5
So this week we talk to a good friend/editor eXthMODE. We talk a bit about The Deadliest Warrior, Zombies, some controversial idea and South Park. And just when you thought it was all done, what is that in the distance? Puppet porn?
The PutzCast Podcast 6
My Little Pony! But not just that we also talk about Zombies, pornography and Apollo Z. Hack.
The PutzCast Podcast 7
So this week on The PutzCast we hit up topics we never thought we'd discuss and some may well wish we never did...Why don't you love me daddy?!
Aslo we are joined by the incomparable Matt "Apollo Z. Hack" Burkett
The PutzCast Podcast 8
This Time Around we discuss the "greatest invention in the history of ever!" How we all got started on the internet, Zombi tells a personal story of how he doesn't think things through and it get him hit a lot and much, much! More!
The PutzCast Podcast 9
This Time Around we discuss are Aliens, celebrities, Role Playing games, Judges Shows, pony underwear, The Golden Critic Awards! And So much more!
The Podcast Podcast 10 Live!
This Time Around We Go Live! And we talk about Internet censorship, Peta, Penn and Teller and Captain planet!
The PutzCast Podcast 11
This time around we talked about: South Park getting an RPG, video featuring pony ass, Reviewtopia's blatant copying of our show, some really good movies and Nappa and his terrible decision making skills among other things.
The PutzCast Podcast 12
So recently Nappa told me a friend of his found our podcast and I quote "unnerving" Which I find hilarious! So hey let's get to the meat of this post! With potatoes.
The PutzCast Podcast 13
This time around we discussed some old video games that no one cares about like XCOM, Earthbound and Splatterhouse. Oh! And Slavery
The PutzCast Podcast 14
This Time Around we discuss the possible destruction of SOPA and its evil apprentice! Yodeling, The Jersey Shore, Homosexual podcasts and Video game reviewers!
The PutzCast Podcast 15
This time around we talk about Mass Effect and the uselessness of the original, Why the Star Wars prequels are the best thing to happen to cinema since Zack Snyder, our amazing new artist and of course 3D films among other things.
The PutzCast Podcast 16
This time around we are joined by Nappa's friends and roommates and we talk about Space Nazis, Annoying Gurl Gamers, Dubstep and some very disturbing images and videos. Not to mention Nappa graces us with another sex story featuring a salad and a friend of the family!
The PutzCast Podcast 17
This time around we talk about Nappa's terrible taste in video games, Batman's acting career, a secret Zombi wants to share with the world and of course vagina.
The PutzCast Podcast 18
This time Around we blow our loads on the Megaman Mythos, we discuss the loss of serious talents, we plug our own stuff as well as other peoples and we bitch about redesigned characters.
The Podcast Podcast 19
So this time around we discuss the Internet burning down, The PSVita and the 3DS, Childhood TV series, Anime and Fleshlight!
The PutzCast Podcast 20
This time around we discuss Politics, Classic X-mas movies, Claymation, Voice Actors and the return and (possible) loss of 2 internet personalities.
The PutzCast Podcast 21
This Time Around we Discuss Borderlands 2, The loss of the Nostalgia Critic, Zombi's terrible luck and the possible "hiring" of new co-hosts all this and more on Celebrity Deathmatch!
The PutzCast Podcast 22
This Time Around we Discuss the flaws of The Dark knight Rises, the voices of Deadpool, Up coming movies, The Thing, Wrestling, XCOM and a very serious issue.
The PutzCast Podcast 23
This Time Around We Discuss: Beat 'Em Ups, Failed Game Studios, Shout outs, the sad state of the union and the AVGN trailer and More!
The PutzCast Podcast 24
This Time Around We Discuss Egoraptor, The Prince of Persia, Tenchi Muyo's continuity, Nappa's brother and more!
The PutzCast Podcast 25
This Time Around We Discuss - McDonalds, The VGA's, The Problems with America, a webcomic about a skunk and more.
The PutzCast Podcast 26
This Time Around We Discuss - Steven Ray Brown, Community, My Little Pony, Peter Dinklage's junk, YouTube stats, proper YouTube management and Les Miserables and more! 2012 Has been great but, Here is to 2013!
The PutzCast Podcast 27
This time around we discuss The return of the Nostalgia Critic, The Les mis Movie, DevilMayCry: Devil May Cry, Cheating assholes, Jaleel White and much more.
The PutzCast Podcast 28
This time around we discuss System Shock, Good old Games, Movies lots of movies, American Idol, Bigots/Indiana and G.I. Joe among other things.
The PutzCast Podcast 29
This time around we discuss Bowling, Comics, Our upcoming Game, Failed movies kickstarters, future technology and so much more!
The PutzCast Podcast 30
This time around we discuss adding a new host, Personal memories, How hot Hugh Jackman is, Anime and cosplay, How to cure cancer as well as how to get drunk quicker and much more!
The PutzCast Podcast 31
This time around we discuss The Rock, G.I. Joe, Sacha Baron Cohen, The greatest cast of Avatar ever, Ladyboys, Movies and much much more!
The PutzCast Podcast 32
This time around we discuss Injustice: Gods Among Us, The possibility that The Joker and Lori are still bopping around, Jamie Foxx playing Electro in the new Spiderman movie, Our current and up coming Let's Plays, Kevin Smith and much more!

This time around we discuss The Pilot to ZombieLand, Metal Gear Solid, The Beatles, Creepy Children, Blood Dragons and Shadow people and so much more!
The PutzCast Podcast 34
This time around we discuss movies a lot of movies, Star Trek, Dead Island Riptides, Iron Man, Nappa and Yachi insist that Zombi shut up and much more!
The PutzCast Podcast 35
So since Nappa quit we had to recruit another cohost. So please join us in welcoming mR apoK4LYPZE as we feel out each other, verbally in our first podcast in too long.
The PutzCast Podcast 36
This time around we talk about Xbox 1, Yachi's super racist dog, DeadRising 3 and so much more!
The PutzCast Podcast 37
This time around we discuss Comics, Kevin Smith, Yachi's fascination with pooping, Interruptions, Gay Germans, Aquaman and so much more!
The PutzCast Podcast 38
This time around we discuss upcoming movies and game, the good old days of voice acting, KFC's ad campaigns, Bestiality and the men who love it, personals on craigslist and so much more!
The PutzCast Podcast 39
This time around we discuss Syfy's new terrible show Heroes of Cosplay as it plays, our new artwork, how awesome Ron Perlman is, con experiences and our own cosplay stories as well as much more!