Thursday, January 31, 2013

2 Strange Questions: 3 & 4

So it has been a while since I last updated, sorry I've been seriously busy with this site, my blog and other projects I'm working on. It seems everyone I have ever worked with in the past few years came back to me and said hey let's work together on something! So why not?

But since the begining of this new year Nappa and I have nothing but bad luck calling us away on personal business or making it so we can't use the audio for podcasts. But that ends today, or tomorrow. So new Podcast February 1st! Promise, till then we need to update Strange Questions for this week and last. Sorry I posted it on YouTube but not here. I was busy trying to fix our account but they don't want to be nice guys.

So without further ado 2 Strange Questions!

This one was really a new try at it? Posing information in a question form and asking for responses.

Back to the original style of a really strange but simple question. So Would you do it?

We'd love to hear your responses! So please do!

New podcast and more video coming later!

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