Tuesday, October 4, 2011

New projects & Updates!

Nappa and I were thinking separately oddly enough that maybe we'd throw a few other things up while we work on The PutzCast episodes. So we had the ideas of a few reviews. In a sense.

The basic idea is I would review Films while he helms the Gaming side. Since as stated many times I am not a gamer. So the plan is set and we are both working on these projects, sadly for the most part they are solo projects but are both for The PutzCast. Every so often we will both work on the other or together to give our own opinions on both subjects but for now get ready for some new things as well as old.

But that isn't the only reasons I'm telling you this! We also have some big news. YouTube has allowed us to upload video longer than 15 minutes so now you can find all of our previous episode of The PutzCast Podcast on YouTube! And as long as we can you will be able to find the new episodes as well. But without further ado I would like to present to you the first of our reviews from the movies side.

Welcome to the Movie-Faction!

We hope you enjoyed and we hope you will like all the things we have planned for the future! Wish us luck!

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