You might have noticed a little addition to the blog more recently. The added page of our LiveStream. Here you can watch as whenever we at The PutzCast feel there is something we need to share with you.
With the addition of the LiveStream we will also be doing the podcast in a live format. Of course there will be the positive more polished version with additions of music or added portions. But the live feed will be longer and completely uncut. We might spend a hour yelling at Mormons for all we know. But along with podcasts we will also stream anything we feel is fun or needs an audience.
Past that we have also created a Facebook page, as you should see by an added widget to the sidebar. But drop by and feel free to say hi or hey you bastards stop insulting the things I like!
Also we are currently under review for a submission to iTunes! Drop by our YouTube we'll throw whatever specials we have there.
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